Sadly, today was the last day of the second leg of the trip, the journey aboard the California Zephyr. I went to bed last night somewhere in Utah and woke up in Nevada.
I went up to the observation car to stake out a spot and there were my trusty partners in observation car seat saving-Dennis and Denise! They were happy to see me, and I them, and the had saved me a seat! It has been great getting to know the both of them over the past couple of days and we've had some good laughs. It was sad to have to say goodbye. We all exchanged contact information, and Denise and I sat side by side for 45 darn minutes trying to find and friend each other on Facebook...good to know my security settings are nice and tight!
I met a family from Honduras at breakfast, who had lived in Winchester (where I grew up) for a short time...How's that for freaky!?!
The scenery in Nevada was was the scenery everywhere else we went!
At one point right before Reno, there were herds of wild mustangs roaming the mountainsides and fields along the train tracks. They were all happily flicking their tails as they ate grass and roamed the country side. The conductor pointed out a lone black stallion that was very high up on a hill seemingly overlooking all that was going on. I wish I could have seen him better. Maybe if I had a pair of
Zoomies I would have been able to...probably wouldn't have made any train friends, but at least I would have looked cool.
When we pulled into the station in Truckee, CA, there was a huge Fourth of July parade proceeding through the downtown area. As luck would have it, we had to wait a bit before moving on, so we got to watch! I do miss being in (rather near) Boston on the 4th. I wish I could get some live video of the Pops concert, as it is one of my favorites.
We went through another long tunnel, and when we popped out on the other side, there was a gorge with the most spectacular glacial lake! We were informed that this was Donner Lake, and we were stopped in
Donner Pass. The train happened to be stopped for a good hour due to construction on the rails, and it happened to be right before lunch...hungry people stuck in Donner Pass...Yikes! (Bad joke? Perhaps...) It was breathtakingly beautiful though.
In the afternoon we traveled part of the route of the Transcontinental railroad and went along canyons that were 2,000 feet below us. From the train window it looked as though one false move by the conductor could cause the whole train to go tumbling down...I'm not a big fan of heights. It was amazing, though.
I was introduced to a teacher and her husband, and we had a lovely chat about Common Core and Standardized testing...same old nonsense, different locations!
Finally, it was time to say goodbye to the Zephyr and all my new friends aboard. I got a big hug and a kiss from Dennis who told me that he admires me for taking time to travel by myself, especially as a young mom, and to make sure I keep on having adventures. I will take that advice to heart. Denise and I hugged and parted ways, only to meet up on the platform in Sacramento. We walked together all the way to the taxi stand and promised to keep in touch.
Goodbye 533!
And now for the DRAMA.....
The Zephyr was over an hour late getting to Sacramento due to delays. I had a 2.5 hour window of time in which to get from the station in Sacramento to the airport, or rather until my plane pulled away from the gate. All day I debated what I was going to do. If I missed my flight I would make the 7+ hour drive to Oregon to meet up with my Aunt. I believe I have mentioned that I hate flying, so I had planned to take a little something to make me a bit drowsy in order to summon the courage to get on that plane. Well, not knowing if I was going to have to drive, I couldn't take the medicine. I walked off the Zephyr at 3:50pm (my flight was at 4:45pm) to 110 degree weather. The taxi stand was half a mile walk from the tracks...yes, that long. Denise and I went as fast as we could with all of our luggage. I was getting increasingly anxious about what was next to come. I found a taxi very easily and got in. It was one of those mini-van taxis. I didn't mention to the driver that I was kind of in a hurry, but he drove the 15 miles to the airport going 80-90mph. I know because I was looking at the speedometer from the back seat as I was freaking out. We arrived in record time, as he was still going 60mph in the airport drop off area. That was an expensive few minutes, I'll tell you!
Upon walking up to the ticket counter telling the agent I needed to get my boarding pass for the 4:45pm flight, he happily said that it was running 15 minutes late, so not to worry. As I began getting my bags ready to be checked, he took my name and then said...."Oh, THAT 4:45pm flight...yeah, THAT one is on time. It's too late to check your bags, BUT you can still bring them on if you condense the three bags (that were already crammed with stuff) into just two, right now." Sure, why not...I actually did it, but I had to roll up my backpack and strap it to the outside of one of the other bags.
I felt very resourceful. All this time I was getting increasingly anxious about getting on this flight. When I got to security I realized that I was planning on checking these bags, so I had "illegal" stuff in them, mostly liquids bigger than 2oz (or whatever the rule is). I had to take stuff out and throw it away....all in super fast....I've got to make this plane I don't even want to make....mode. I got through security and dragged my now even more ridiculously heavy bags to the gate (I had the airline page my Sherpa, but he disnt show up!) I quickly explained my situation to the guy who checked the boarding passes because he asked why I was all flustered...he almost hugged me. It turns out one of my bags was too big, so I had to bring it on , but give it to some person, somewhere...I didn't really get it at the time to be honest....I was in- oh my goodness, I am getting on a plane and I DID NOT take my sleepy meds like I had planned mode....needless to say my inner sailor found me in the Sacramento Airport.
I walked down the little corridor to get to the plane, but when I came to the end, where you usually step right into the plane, there was nothing but open air. After a moment, I realized I had to walk down a ramp and onto the ground.....PLEASE don't let this be a "short bus plane" as I like to call them, was all I could think. It was WORSE.....there were PROPELLERS. Yup, propellers. Despite the fact that I wanted to cry, I got on the plane like a big girl and made it through the flight without outwardly freaking out and head butting a flight attendant. I heard that that is a VERY bad idea. I made it to Portland and am currently awaiting a flight to Bend, OR, though sometimes I still think I am in Sacramento, or maybe Denver...or who knows. All in all I made it from the door of the California Zephyr to my seat in the airplane (15 miles away, through all that airport crap) in a mere 40 minutes...
I am excited for the next leg of this trip and will keep you all posted!
UPDATE: I am sitting on the next plane which they are trying to "balance" by having us all sit towards the yeah, freak out mode again. That and someone has a miniature poodle (with its own stroller) aboard.... Wish me luck!